My 2016 Review


Let’s see how I did with my 2016 goals:

  • Mets win the World Series [Out of my control and totally not going to happen, but whatever]. Yeah, I so called it before pitchers reported to Spring Training. But the Cubs…WOW.
  • Devour a turkey leg and soak up everything else Disney World has to offer. So overrated. Very salty and nasty.
  • Watch Batman v. Superman, Captain America: Civil War, Star Trek: Beyond, and Deadpool at the movies. Reviews for BVS were so terrible that I opted not to pay money to watch it and I was correct in doing so. I enjoyed the remaining films in theaters, and also Rogue One…WOW!!!
  • Go paintballing [It’s just not going to happen, nope]. Yeah, maybe a few more years from now.
  • Take a break from softball [Sadly, I actually think that won’t be so difficult]. I attended one practice and played in the tournament, but I sucked it up badly and will be hanging up my cleats, bat, and glove indefinitely. Goodbye.
  • Sleep more. #superfail
  • Enjoy my sister’s wedding. I’m really happy for Kristen and Wesley. My kids were really cute walking down the aisle together, and it’s always fun for my church and family worlds to collide.
  • Teach CJ to ride his bike. Well, at least he’s more inclined to ride his bike now. Maybe next year.
  • Go on one two dates with my wife. Watched Star Trek: Beyond with Grace and…that’s it. I need to work on our marriage.
  • Go to three Mets games. I went to two games vs the Royals and Yankees.
  • Read a book, any book. Half of Every Good Endeavor.
  • Teach CJ to read. Grace has been doing a superb job at teaching CJ to read. I on the other hand am more obviously natural at teaching him his mathematics.


2016…wow! Yeah, absolutely a very memorable year. From what I can remember it started with us actively searching for a house to buy, but then our search was abruptly interrupted by CJ’s eight day hospital stay with his pneumonia, pleural effusion. By God’s grace CJ was healed and we returned to our house hunt. With the blessing of our families, we were able to purchase a very nice house that we absolutely love. In the middle of the mortgage process we went to Disney World with my parents and sister and had a magical time there. We then moved in on July 4th and thankfully sold our two-bedroom apartment the week after. Things weren’t all daisy and roses because we lived in our home renovation up until the beginning of September, and don’t forget we fired our first contractor. So we voluntarily uprooted our lives and have been living in adjustments since because becoming a house-owner is a totally different monster from being a co-op apartment owner. I’ve learned so many things about landscaping, plumbing, and HVAC systems. And Grace and I were thankfully able to adjust our commutes to work to account for the increase of distance. Then CJ embraced kindergarten and surprised us by earning Student of the Month. He’s currently progressing at a rapid pace with his reading level and also loves stretching his mathematics abilities. And our crazy daughter just continues to amaze us with her verbal communication. Oh, and I started presiding over my church’s Sunday service in December and in one instance I used Home Alone to facilitate both the call to worship and confession of sin, lol!

I know I’m forgetting a lot of other significant events, but this is how I will probably remember 2016. In any case, it was a great year we are thankful to God not only for the things he has given and done for us in 2016, but more supremely for giving us his son, Jesus Christ.

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So proud of my son. So proud.

lol…can’t make this up with this girl.

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